Active teaching and learning methodologies: an experience with basic education teachers


  • Antônio Eustáquio Ferreira


Learning methodologies , Teacher training , Teaching methods and techniques


Active teaching and learning methodologies: an experience with basic education teachers

This report aims to describe the experience of a continuing education course for teachers, entitled Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies: an experience with basic education teachers, developed in partnership with the Federal University of Grande Dourados, under the coordination and execution of the author. The results showed that the contact of basic education teachers with some techniques of Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies provokes reflections on their attitudes and their roles in the face of a challenging scenario, in which students have access to an unlimited amount of information. The model used had as a teaching-learning strategy the Active Methodologies method itself, characterized by putting the student in contact with the techniques, aiming at an education that is effectively committed to the acquisition of skills, abilities and knowledge so that they, the students or course participants in this case, can be critical, reflective actors, transformers of reality, of the problems that arise. The course teachers were able to rethink their ethical duties towards society, reviewing their teaching-learning practices and assessment models.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A. E. (2017). Active teaching and learning methodologies: an experience with basic education teachers. RealizAção, 4(7), 4–14. Retrieved from


