Social commitment strengthening the practice of the physiotherapy course in Serra Catarinense


  • Laura Ohana Stolf
  • Tarso Waltrick
  • Natalia Veronez da Cunha


Teaching, Research, Extension, University


University extension programs establish a relationship between the institution and society through the approximation and exchange of knowledge and experiences between professors, students and the population, providing a confrontation between theory and the real world. According to the legislation, the tripod formed by teaching, research and extension constitutes the fundamental axis of the Brazilian University and cannot be compartmentalized. The Physiotherapy for the Community project of the Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC) is developed with outpatient physiotherapy services carried out in the Physiotherapy laboratory of UNIPLAC, which has a large physical space and various equipment, allowing it to receive patients from the most diverse areas of physiotherapy. All services are provided under the supervision of a physiotherapist professor and accompanied by interns, who can assist in the services depending on the phase of the course in which they are enrolled, as per CREFITTO resolution. In 2012, the Physiotherapy for the Community project – UNIPLAC was approved in the Permanent Extension Projects Call for Proposals of the Universidade do Planalto Catarinense. Since the project was launched in 2012, 500 patients have been treated at the teaching clinic, with over 3,989 cases being treated. Given the wide variety of cases observed, the students became interested in using these cases to conduct research and publish articles. Based on the history presented, it can be concluded that, based on an extension project, the Physiotherapy course at UNIPLAC consolidates the teaching-research-extension tripod.


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How to Cite

Stolf, L. O., Waltrick, T., & Cunha, N. V. da. (2016). Social commitment strengthening the practice of the physiotherapy course in Serra Catarinense. RealizAção, 3(6), 63–71. Retrieved from


