Mathematical literacy: acquiring notions of the length measurement system
Mathematical initiation , Length measurements , Phases of literacyAbstract
This work is the result of a descriptive and bibliographical research that includes the stages of implementation of the project applied in the classroom and the development of mathematical content provided for in the bimonthly syllabuses of the Municipal School Professora Antônia Cândida de Melo, located in the Parque das Nações 2 neighborhood, in the city of Dourados/MS, which serves underprivileged children from the outskirts of the city. In view of this, and following the development of the 2nd grade D class (2nd bimester of 2009), in the school's pedagogical councils, we noticed that most of the students had learning and development difficulties. These difficulties were even more evident in relation to the introduction to mathematics, more specifically regarding the content of length measurements, from the axis of Quantities and Measurements, content provided for in the National Curricular Parameters for Elementary Education. The topics: What is measuring, Why to measure, How to measure, specifically dealing with mathematics, are essential to understanding the different meanings of numbers, in addition to relating to notions of geometry and statistics. One of the functions of teaching mathematics is to introduce students to different languages, which includes the first metric notions essential for the formation of human beings. Concrete material and more modern technological resources, such as computers and digital cameras, were used to emphasize the content and as a way of encouraging children to practice mathematics. The socio-constructivist tendency is used, since it is based on the lines of thought of Piaget, Paulo Freire and Vigotsky. Piaget leads us to reflect on the need to use concrete and practical elements, since certain, if not all, content in mathematics is presented in an abstract way, that is, something cognitively unattainable by a child who is still between the concrete-operational and formal-operational phases. Theorists Paulo Freire and Vigotsky lead us to reflect on the context in which the child is inserted. Thus, since he/she is a product of the environment in which he/she lives, we must look for ways to involve him/her so that learning makes sense to him/her.
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