Silvipastory system in areas of small rural farmers in Mato Grosso do Sul




Community, Reforestation, Crop-Livestock Integration


The use of Silvopastoral Systems associated with crops and livestock creates a sustainable environment, improving socioeconomic and environmental characteristics, improving the production system and the quality of life of the rural family. The tree species of the silvopastoral system bring the diversification of sources of income, ensuring, at the same time, environmental functions that allow the maintenance of fertility and the increase in the productive characteristics of the soil, improving the physical-chemical characteristics of the soil, in addition to providing shade for animals, improving their well-being and consequently their performance. The extension action has been developed on lot 47, in the Cabeceira do Rio Iguatemi settlement, located in the municipality of Paranhos – Mato Grosso do Sul, where a demonstration unit was set up combined with the development of various social activities involving producers and the community academic and other management actions such as planting tree components and production of organic fruit and vegetables. Maintenance of the area is carried out monthly, in accordance with the instructions of the responsible technician and professors at the Federal University of Grande Dourados-UFGD. With the development of activities, there was a notable improvement in animal/vegetable production on the property with the integrated implementation of systems, in addition to an improvement in the quality of life of those involved. It is possible to observe a great interest from new settlers in maximizing the use of land in a rational way.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Duarte Oliveira Leite, Universidade Federal de Viçosa: Vicosa, MG, BR

Resumo biografia: Possui graduação em Zootecnia pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
- UNIMONTES, Campus Janaúba (2019). Mestrado em Zootecnia na Universidade Federal de
Viçosa - UFV (2021). Atualmente doutoranda em Zootecnia na universidade Federal de ViçosaUFV (2021) com ênfase em Conservação de Forragem.

Janaina Tayna Silva, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

Graduada em Zootecnia pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - Unimontes. Mestranda em Zootecnia - Produção animal pela Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

Área de pesquisa: Forragicultura e pastagens, análise de alimentos, ruminates.

Euclides Reuter de Oliveira, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He is currently a full professor at the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD) in Cattle Farming, Ethology and Prophylaxis and Zootechnical Hygiene and develops activities in the area of ​​Rural Extension.

Anderson Souza de Almeida, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He has a degree in agronomy from the Federal University of Grande Dourados, with experience in organic production

Jordana Faustino da Silva, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

Graduate in Animal Science, at the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), with an emphasis on Animal Nutrition. She worked as a monitor of Animal Histology and Embryology at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FCA) of the Federal University of Grande Dourados, in Unit 2. Member of the extension and research group, Ciclo Rural and scholarship holder of the Institutional Extension Scholarship Program (PIBEX)

Andrea Maria Araújo Gabriel, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1992), a master's degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1996) and a PhD in Animal Biology from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (2000). He is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Grande Dourados. He has experience in the area of ​​Veterinary Medicine, with an emphasis on Animal Reproduction, but has worked mainly on the following topics: animal morphology, rabbit farming, rural extension and family farming.

Eduardo Lucas Terra Peixoto, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He is a Zootechnician (2009) and Master in Animal Science (2011) from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, has a specialization in Quantitative Statistics (2014) and a PhD in Animal Science (2014) from the State University of Londrina. He is an Adjunct Professor C level III at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the Federal University of Grande Dourados, Dourados MS.

Mábio Silvan José da Silva, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He has experience in the area of ​​Animal Husbandry, with an emphasis on Forage Assessment, Production and Conservation, working mainly on the following topics: food autonomy, forage autonomy, hay, pastures, animal production, silage and sustainability of production systems.

Nathalie Ferreira Neves Paludo, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He has a degree in Veterinary Medicine. Master's degree in Animal Science (Nutrition and Animal Production) from the Federal University of Grande Dourados-UFGD, (2021). Currently a PhD student in Animal Science at the Federal University of Grande Dourados-UFG

Amanda Maria Silva Alencar, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He has a degree in veterinary medicine from Faculdades Unidas do Norte de Minas (2020), a master's degree in Animal Science from the State University of Montes Claros (2022) and secondary education at the state school Dr Carlos Albuquerque (2013). He is currently at the Federal University of Grande Dourados.

Thamires Wolff Gonçalves, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He attended high school full-time at E.E Amélio de Carvalho Baís in Campo Grande-MS, completed in 2018, where he developed scientific initiation projects with an emphasis on microbiology for two years (2017-2018), participating in scientific fairs. Student of the 3rd semester, 2nd year, of the Animal Science course at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD).

Brasilino Moreira Lima, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados - UFGD

He has a degree in Abi - Geography from the Federal University of Grande Dourados (2016), and is currently a student on the Undergraduate course in Animal Science at the Federal University of Grande Dourados.

Elaine Barbosa Muniz, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Professora Elaine Barbosa Muniz possui graduação em Zootecnia pela Universidade Federal de Lavras, mestrado em Zootecnia pela Universidade Federal de Lavras e Doutorado em Ciência Animal pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Atualmente é professora adjunto B da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná com experiência na área de Zootecnia Nutrição e Produção de Ruminantes.


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How to Cite

Leite, G. D. O., Silva, J. T., Oliveira, E. R. de, Almeida, A. S. de, Silva, J. F. da, Gabriel, A. M. A., … Muniz, E. B. (2023). Silvipastory system in areas of small rural farmers in Mato Grosso do Sul. RealizAção, 10(20), 183–194.