Human teeth trade - actions to combat this illegal practice




Dentistry, Ethics, Biosafety


The Human Teeth Biobank (BDH) is an institution that aims to capture, store and lend human teeth for pre-clinical training of students or scientific research, in addition to promoting the valorization of the tooth as an organ of the human body and protecting, through biosafety , the agents involved with the handling of dental units, avoiding cross infections. BDH also plays a fundamental role in combating the illegal trade in teeth that is still present in many dental schools. However, obtaining dental structures for activities in the academic field often comes from commerce in cemeteries, dental clinics and even by the employees of the colleges, which leads to a discussion in the field of ethics and the legality of this attitude. Bearing in mind that academics need pre-clinical practice during the Dentistry course, educational institutions must be aware of the origin of the teeth. For this reason, this experience report aims to demonstrate extension actions aimed at combating the illegal trade of teeth through visits to cemeteries in the city in order to promote awareness among gravediggers about the ethical, legal and biological precepts that involve the trade of teeth. teeth.


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Author Biographies

Dayliz Quinto Pereira, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS)

Departamento de Saúde

Área de Saúde Coletiva

Isabelle Maria Gonzaga de Mattos Vogel, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS)

Departamento de Saúde

Área de Saúde Coletiva


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WHITE, R. R.; HAYS, G. L. Failure of Ethylene Oxide to Sterilize Extracted Human Teeth. Dent. Mater., Kidlington, v. 11, no. 4, p. 231-233, July 1995.



How to Cite

Pereira, D. Q., & Vogel, I. M. G. de M. (2020). Human teeth trade - actions to combat this illegal practice. RealizAção, 7(14), 152–157.



Experience Reports