Reflections on portuguese language teaching in an indigenous context


  • Marina Oliveira Barboza Brandão PPGEL/UEL



Teaching. Portuguese language. Indigenous school.


This study aims to present the results of a research that aimed to diagnose, understand and reflect on the teaching of Portuguese in the bilingual context of an indigenous school of an Indian reservation in the region of Dourados/MS. It is known that the Referencial Curricular Nacional para as Escolas Indígenas/RCNEI, as well as other official documents about indigenous intercultural education, point to the guarantee of intercultural, bilingual and differentiated education for the indigenous population. Language is characterized as an object of power and identity of a people, however, in the indigenous context, the imposition of Portuguese as a second language is very present. This paper intends to present the reflections on teaching practices and conceptions of teaching and learning of Portuguese language present in the analyzed community. Thus, it is intended to highlight the concepts of language teaching underlying the choices and practices of teachers in the indigenous intercultural context of the region. Our theoretical perspective will focus on the reflections of Applied Linguistics and the research on indigenous school education and Portuguese language teaching as a second language.


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How to Cite

Brandão, M. O. B. (2017). Reflections on portuguese language teaching in an indigenous context. Revista Ñanduty, 5(7), 160–187.