Lévi-Strauss e(m) comparação:

‘selvageria’ e transformação em um conjunto no chaco paraguaio





Chaco, Ayoreo, Conjuntos, Lévi-Strauss, Selvageria


This essay, which pays a fair tribute to Peter Gow, aims to explore the Lévi-Straussian intuition, based on a notion of ensemble, that the contrast proposed between myths and kinship systems would not restrict itself to the application of the canonical formula exclusively to myths. If the myth is not restricted to the reality of an event, it also gives an account of  the double twists presumed by the canonical formula, I will argue that the same would be possible for other sets of social relations, Thus, from the examination of Ayoreo ethnography – a Zamucoan-speaking people who inhabit the region of the Paraguayan Chaco, with whom I have worked since 2012 – I aim to engage into a thought exercise in which I will aim to test the fecundity of such elaboration by investigating an idea of  'savagery' mobilized in the context of relations between the Ayoreo and neighboring collectives in the Paraguayan Chaco


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How to Cite

Grünewald , . L. . (2022). Lévi-Strauss e(m) comparação:: ‘selvageria’ e transformação em um conjunto no chaco paraguaio. Revista Ñanduty, 10(15), 74–94. https://doi.org/10.30612/nty.v10i15.16253