Vol. 11 No. 21 (2022): The Global South and its Perspectives: Expanding the Frontiers of International Relations

					View Vol. 11 No. 21 (2022): The Global South and its Perspectives: Expanding the  Frontiers of International Relations

Special issue The Global South and its Perspectives: Expanding the Frontiers of International Relations

Published: 2022-11-23

Presentation of the Dossier

  • The The Global South and its Perspectives Expanding the Frontiers of International Relations

    Fernanda Barth Barasuol , Luiza Cerioli, Mariana Kalil
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/rmufgd.v11i21.16529


  • Interview with Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner

    Mariana Kalil
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/rmufgd.v11i21.16530

Artigos Dossiê - Ampliando as fronteiras das Relações Internacionais a partir de perspectivas do Sul Global

Articles - Miscellaneous Section

  • Abortion penalty in El Salvador: a case study

    Camila Feix Vidal, Monalisa Ceolin
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/rmufgd.v11i21.14322
  • Instrumentalization of Peace: the P5 and UN peace operations in the 21st century

    Geraldine Rosas, Henrique Gomes e Silva, Letícia Carvalho
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/rmufgd.v11i21.14828
  • Development in small island states: an essay highlighting Cabo Verde

    Hoyêdo Nunes Lins, Juliane Becker Facco
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/rmufgd.v11i21.12462
  • An Analysis of the Technological Safeguards Agreement between Brazil and the USA through the Two-Level Games: the Cardoso (1995-2002) and Bolsonaro (2019-2022) Governments

    Kethlyn Gabi Winter da Silva, Fernanda Cristina Nanci Izidro Gonçalves
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.30612/rmufgd.v11i21.15042