The (non) human body and its importance on identity: the monter of Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus


  • Eugênia Adamy Basso Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Eduardo Marks de Marques Universidade Federal de Pelotas



Body. Identity. Bestialization. Human. Frankenstein.


This paper has as objective the analysis of the conceptions of body, its bestialization and the ideas of acceptation and identity formation that are involved. For that, the object of analysis is the novel Frankenstein: or the Modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley. The study approached a discussion about the human and not human sides of Frankenstein’s creature, its structure, the grotesque body behavior, and its fragile identity, together with an intense anger. To develop this study, we studied theoretical authors who research about body and identity (Kathryn Woodward), bios and zoo (Giorgio Agamben), and body behavior (Michel Foucault), besides a comparison of the process of creation elaborated by Victor Frankenstein as the process of divine creation of Man.


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How to Cite

Basso, E. A., & Marques, E. M. de. (2018). The (non) human body and its importance on identity: the monter of Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus. Raído, 12(31), 183–195.

