Production of alternative didactic materials for teaching genres

an experience of initial teacher education in the major degree in pedagogy




Portuguese language teaching, Textual-genres, Didatic materials, Inicial teacher education, Pedagogy


The article aims to reflect on the possible implications of a formative itinerary involving the production of didactic sequences (DS) by future portuguese language teachers in the context of major degree in Pedagogy. This experience to be reported and discussed was lived within two courses of the major degree in Pedagogy at Universidade Federal do Agreste de Pernambuco (UFAPE). The notion of DS was based on the didactic procedure systematized by Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004) for teaching genres. The students plan the DS in small groups, which go through a process of review and rewriting under the guidance of the professors of the courses. Then, the material produced is shared in the “Seminar on Methodological Practices in the Portuguese Language”. Some professors are invited to comment on the DS and suggest changes. Finally, students, taking into account the comments and suggestions made by the professors, can still revisit their DS and make adjustments. By presenting this experience, it is our intention to highlight the need to build a formativeitinerary in the classroom that intends to articulate theory and practice in the initial teacher education. We note that the production of these alternative didatic materials allows students to reflect on didactic alternatives for language teaching as well as to improve their professional practice as future portuguese language teachers.


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How to Cite

Silva , E. C. N. da ., Silva , L. N. da ., & Lima , G. . (2022). Production of alternative didactic materials for teaching genres: an experience of initial teacher education in the major degree in pedagogy. Raído, 16(40), 322–350.



Formação de professoras de Português na Licenciatura em Pedagogia: olhares da LA