Literacy: contemporary educational practice and practice in 1979 experienced


  • Cristiane Lumertz Klein Domingues


Literacy/Literacy. Playful. Teaching practice.


We know that the child enters school with six years old and remain for nine years to complete primary education. Given this fact we understand that the school start happens at an earlier age in the first year, so we stress the importance of this student participate in a more playful environment to learn, when it takes into account the specific characteristics of the childhood period. Therefore, we value a literacy focused on the playful, further opportunity moments of play and game, leaving aside mechanical and repetitive activities. Here we understand the concept of literacy in literacy perspective, as the means to create opportunities to the individual conditions to experience the social practices that rely on reading and writing in society. We want to show a survey conducted through an interview with a child in literacy period in 2013 and his mother, who was literate in 1979, through a comparative study. Also, we will present some characteristics of the pedagogic practice of teachers of them, through the analysis of two situations chosen in the notebooks of the involved.


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How to Cite

DOMINGUES, Cristiane Lumertz Klein. Literacy: contemporary educational practice and practice in 1979 experienced. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 5, n. 15, p. 85–100, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.



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