Children "of the human fragility"and civilizing process: a view through the legal


  • Tânia Mara Tavares da Silva [UNIRIO/Brasil]
  • Hugo Rodolfo Lovisolo [UNIRIO/Brasil]


Civilizing process, Illegitimacy, Childhood.


The issue of illegitimate children has been treated by historians and social scientists for some time. Our goal is to analyze how the discourse of law can be designed as a civilizing spaces and, for this venture, we will make the final judgments Process Paternity Investigations were universalized by the Civil Code of 1917. Our hypothesis is that the speech made by the lawyers was intended to "civilize" the relations between men and women especially those occurring asymmetrically, ie, between different social strata. But the relationship they can establish with the work of Elijah? We will show that what one reads, in sentencing is a "class of civilized behavior" for women and men. Thus, lawyers have become true masters while teaching women to have an unblemished behavior without which there would be no possibility of recognition of paternity and at the same time, they taught men to stay away from women who were not prostitutes, could create many problems for them in the future. Self-control of emotions and desires of institutional mediation were civilizing goals of legal intervention. At the same time, left behind a historic moment where the children had not been protected.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Tânia Mara Tavares da; LOVISOLO, Hugo Rodolfo. Children "of the human fragility"and civilizing process: a view through the legal. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 1, n. 2, p. p.130–143, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.


