Prouni: policies for inclusion or exclusion in the context of learning throughout life
Higher education. Policies for inclusion. Exclusion.Abstract
This article analyzes the public policies related to higher education in order to understand the process of inclusion / exclusion of youth and adults effected by the University for All Program - Prouni. In reflecting on this theme held a dialogue, the social indicators based on access to formal education of primary level to higher indicating that the higher the level of formal education, less access for youth and adults of the popular classes. It starts with the premise that public policies in contemporary higher education are geared to market demands and serve to foreshadow international bodies to reform the state, which is the provider of evaluator, and policies geared to the demands of society excluded from the from inclusion programs for youth and adults have been historically excluded. We concluded that public policy in contemporary higher education are geared to market demands and meet the guidelines of international bodies, not favoring the enforcement of state policies directed at the domestic demands for Youths and Adults historically excluded.Downloads
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