Judicial activism, democratic legitimacy and effectiveness of the right to difference
ativismo judicial, direito à diferença, legitimidade democrática, reconhecimento, redistribuiçãoAbstract
The present work aims to analyze possibilities of democratic legitimation of judicial activism in the realization of the right to difference. Starting from reflections in the field of political philosophy, the work delimits the meaning of the right to difference in terms of possible judicial demands. Such considerations point to the idea that the difference translates into claims for recognition and redistribution, which can lead to the adoption of judicial remedies of affirmation and transformation. Subsequently, the article analyzes paradigmatic judicial decisions to investigate whether there is judicial activism in demands in which the merits revolve around the idea of difference. The preliminary results point to the occurrence, in Brazil, of a judicial activism of difference, which can be considered democratically and constitutionally legitimate, since it has been guided by materializing measures consistent in identity recognition and redistribution of social goods to minorities. The method used was the hypothetical-deductive.
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