International law, decolonization, Development: revisiting the idea of State from the TWAILS (Third World Approaches to International Law)




TWAIL, Direito Internacional, Descolonização, Desenvolvimento


The legal dimension of poverty is often neglected by International Law. Analysis of the failure to eradicate it are oblivious to conditionalities from the establishment of the state as the only internationally acceptable political unity. Law creates and is created by the state, molding the reality as required by modernity-coloniality. This article explores the uses of the idea of State from the perspective of the Third World Approaches to International Law and thinkers of the Global South, specially Quijano, Gonzales, Lugones, Mbembe and Santos, aiming to articulate the role of Law on colonialism and the formation of the Third-World states. Using bibliographic research, we describe how eurocentrism, race and gender have operated as central features of the colonial enterprise and continue to do, eminently through the notion of development. In this sense, a real c demands an anamnetical approach to the idea of state and its functions.


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Author Biography

Lucas Daniel Chaves de Freitas, Universidade de Brasília

Doutorando em Direito, Estado e Constituição, Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Internacional e Graduado em Direito pela Universidade de Brasília. Especialista em Direito Eleitoral pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília.


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How to Cite

Freitas, L. D. C. de. (2022). International law, decolonization, Development: revisiting the idea of State from the TWAILS (Third World Approaches to International Law). Revista Videre, 14(29), 68–94.



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