Factors that lead to the hyperpresidentialism and the need for political reform in the brazilian state
Hyperpresidentialism. Neoconstitutionalism. Democracy. Political reform.Abstract
The object of the research is hyperpresidentialism and it’s the supposed contradiction to Latin American neoconstitutionalism. The characteristics of both institutes and the conceptions of the tripartition theory of powers were addressed. The investigation underlies the three factors that represent the constitution of the superpowers conferred to the president. The research is supported by the justification that the strengthening of the Executive Power is a threat to democracy and an opposition to the new constitutionalism, giving rise to the need for political reform. The work was carried out by the deductive method, by the bibliographic review approach and with textual exploratory objectives. Speculation on the subject leads to the conclusion that hyperpresidentialism presents a contraposition to neoconstitutionalism. Representative democracy requires reform of the policy pursued in Brazil.Downloads
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