Vulnerability of people who live on the street and pandemic of Covid - 19: social isolation or (in) human visibility




Social isolation. Fundamental rights. COVID-19 pandemic. Constitutional right.


This essay analyzes the condition of people on the streets and fundamental rights from the perspective of Constitutional Law from the pandemic of COVID-19. The work aims to reflect on the condition of people living on the streets, based on the prevention policy disseminated by public agencies, specifically the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) for effective social isolation. In the research, the qualitative method stands out, which starts from subjective aspects to demonstrate the emphasis on normative elements of justice, considering the analysis of the author's data (elaboration based on the estimate of data collected in the city of Manaus- AM, 2020). As a research problem, we have: are people on the street excluded from prevention and social isolation policies in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic?


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Author Biography

Tatiane Campelo da Silva Palhares, Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR)

Graduada em Direito, mestrado em Educação pela UFRN e Douturado em Direito Constitucional pela UNIFOR. Professora do CIESA-AM e Servidora Pública da Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Estado do Amazonas .


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How to Cite

Palhares, T. C. da S. (2020). Vulnerability of people who live on the street and pandemic of Covid - 19: social isolation or (in) human visibility. Revista Videre, 12(25), 277–291.



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