Dosimetry for the (re)foundation of fiscal fines: the example of the state of Pará
Sanctions. Tax fines. Proportionality. ICMS. Dosimetry.Abstract
The absence of clear parameters to govern the intensity and manner in which tax sanctions are established and applied often gives rise to doctrinal and jurisprudential criticisms and dissentions. In this scenario, this article aims to explore elements capable of justifying and contributing to the restructuring of fiscal fines, seeking to encourage the establishment of solidly founded parameters and methods for their fixation, guaranteeing isonomy to taxpayers and providing a qualitative and quantitative gain in the relations between tax authorities and citizens. Through bibliographic and documentary research, using the case study method, the article begins with a theoretical incursion to identify the need and importance of tax sanctions, and then, based on the analysis of fiscal fines, identify the evolution of the jurisprudential treatment in relation to the fixing of its amount. The study establishes some clues to follow for the redimensioning the fiscal fines and, finally, it develops the analyses about the example of the dosimetry of ICMS tax fines applied in the State of Pará. We concluded that the system adopted by the Pará legislation establishes specific criteria related to the taxable person, promoting the individualization of the penalty considering the particular background and conditions of the taxable person, allowing for a weighted use of positive or negative sanctions, in order to induce the taxable person's voluntariness in the proper conduct of their tax obligations.Downloads
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