Evaluation of the welfare of calves raised in the systems “Argentino” x “House”: a case study





Efficiency, Thermal stress, Performance, Productivity


The ambiance has a direct effect on the performance of calves, as it is considered the most critical phase of cattle culture, and the constructions are of paramount importance for dairy activity. Therefore, they must be low-cost and efficient for greater production. This work aimed to evaluate the thermal environment inside the different facilities and the influence of these different environments on calves' rectal temperature, and weight gain of animals in the house and Argentine systems. Two calves and one calf were used, three in the house-style shelters, and three in the Argentine system. There were no differences in the cleft temperatures, but there was a small difference in the weight gain of the animals, with greater weight gain for the animals housed in the Argentine system, for the values of room temperature, the thermal amplitude of the houses was higher, this causes the animal to have higher energy expenditure to maintain its physiological conditions. 


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. R., Medeiros, S. L. dos S., Faria , S. R., Carvalho, C. A. de, Almeida, A. A. de, Valentim, J. K., & Moraleco, D. D. (2022). Evaluation of the welfare of calves raised in the systems “Argentino” x “House”: a case study. RealizAção, 9(18), 73–80. https://doi.org/10.30612/realizacao.v9i18.16558