Literature and citizenship




Reading, Culture, Spanish, Portuguese


The “Literature and Citizenship” project proposes meetings to discuss literary works among adolescents and high school students, aiming to enhance their human and civic development. In this context, the inclusion of work with Hispanic culture also plays a prominent role, considering the wealth of reflections resulting from reflection on other cultures and foreign languages. Under guidance, the scholarship holders research, study and analyze previously selected works and then organize and mediate face-to-face meetings open to the community, with the aim of promoting interaction and exchange of knowledge between the public inside and outside the IFPR-Telêmaco Borba Campus. Reading activities, both in foreign and native languages, interpretation, immersion in different cultures and discussion culminate in human development, based on the inference of facts and the refinement of senses and sensibilities, which ultimately reflects in recognition and civic action. The goal is to provide this education through literature and contact with Hispanic culture, promoting workshops for reading and discussing literary texts, which encourage reading and discuss themes from the reality experienced by the participants, mediated by the scholarship holders. As a result, greater integration between the IFPR Campus and the local community is expected, given that this approximation of what is produced within the institution with the community is what gives the project its extensionist character. In addition, it is expected that the public covered by the project will develop their critical and civic side, collaborating in their actions and understanding of the world.


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Author Biographies

Katrym Aline Bordinhão dos Santos, Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR) - Campus Telêmaco Borba

Professora de Língua portuguesa e literatura no no ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico .

Kelly Cristinna Frigo Nakayama, Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR) - Campus Telêmaco Borba

Professora de Língua Espanhola no ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico .LITERATURA E CIDADANIA


BRASIL. MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO. SECRETARIA DE EDUCAÇÃO BÁSICA. Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio – Linguagens, códigos e suas tecnologias. Brasília (DF), 2006 v. I.

GULLAR, Ferreira. Toda poesia (1950-1999). 12 ed. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2004.

IFPR. Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional – PDI 2014/2018. Curitiba, dezembro/2014. Disponível em: Vers%C3%A3o-Final-1.pdf. Acesso em 31 jan. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em 31 jan. 2017.

ZAPPONE, Mirian Hisae Yaegashi; WIELEWIEKI, Vera Helena Gomes. “Afinal, o que é literatura”. In: ZOLIN, Lucia Osana & BONNICI, Thomas (orgs.). Teoria Literária: abordagens históricas e tendências contemporâneas. 3 ed. Maringá: EDUEM, 2009, p. 19-31.



How to Cite

Santos, K. A. B. dos, & Nakayama, K. C. F. (2021). Literature and citizenship. RealizAção, 8(15), 41–50.