Differential Item Functioning
validity study by the internal structure of an intelligence measure
Intelligence, Assessment, Psychometrics, Reliability, ValidityAbstract
This article aims to present psychometric studies with a non-verbal cognitive measure, which aims to assess general reasoning in adults, based on a measure of non-verbal general intelligence. The sample that comprised the normative study was 1,230 people, being 57.2% women. The ages ranged from 15 to 64 years, and schooling varied from Elementary to Higher Education, collected in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina. According to results, we observed It was noted that the items showed good power of discrimination between people with high and low performance. The distribution of items in terms of difficulty was quite balanced. In analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Tukey tests performed, a decrease in scores was found with advancing age, as well as differences in results in relation to respondents' education. For studies on the Differential Functioning of Items (DIF), DIF was observed due to sex. Little DIF was also observed for the schooling criterion. The precision coefficients by different applied methods showed good levels of reliability in performance in tasks related to inferential reasoning, in deducing relationships between objects supported by a set of assumptions and information, thoughts, beliefs and knowledge.
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