Um diálogo entre os estudos urbanos e o trabalho sexual de homens brasileiros em Lisboa, Portugal




homens brasileiros, trabalho sexual, Lisboa, Portugal, Europa


This article is a part of the reflections conducted within the research on Brazilian men who do sex work in Lisbon, Portugal, and in other European cities. I will focus on engaging in dialogues between some classic concepts in the urban studies, especially those stemming from the Sociological Chicago School for analyses of elements found in the career of interlocutors in Europe´s sex market. A highlight is given to the rooms of such individuals, due to the central importance they have demonstrated to take in the life of interlocutors. For this purpose, the fieldwork in Lisbon is in progress and 17 Brazilian men who are sex workers in Europe have been contacted. Closeness has been the base of our relationship and informal talks have been conducted with the expectation that one or more networks will be established. The idea is to perceive the displacements undertaken in anthropology with the purpose of problematizing the city and urban life and, in it, find the differences that encompass the grammars of the sex work of Brazilian men in Lisbon stemming from their rooms and from the strategies they have been developing to be “successful” in the profession.  


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How to Cite

Passamani , G. . (2022). Um diálogo entre os estudos urbanos e o trabalho sexual de homens brasileiros em Lisboa, Portugal. Revista Ñanduty, 10(15), 53–73.