Evangelical Zionism and U.S. support for Israel during the Donald Trump Administration
United States Foreign Policy, Donald J. Trump , Evangelical Zionism.Abstract
In his mandate, Donald Trump pursued a strongly pro-Israel Foreign Policy. A significant part of this success can be attributed to the evangelical religious influence in his government. This paper proposes an analysis of the relationship between the following actors: the United States, the Trump administration, Ame-rican evangelicals and the pro-Israel lobby; the justifications of Protestant theology in support of the State of Israel and the way in which the harmony of these actors provided an Israeli diplomatic advance little seen in the present century. The period between 2017 and 2020 was used as a reference. The conclusion of this work is that the synchrony between these actors, combined with the expected pragmatism of the State of Israel, culminated in a perfect modus operandi for political action that benefited both Tel-Aviv and the agenda of the American Christian right.
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