Belonging and homemaking in the refuge destination: the daily life of LGBTI+ refugees and asylum seekers in Rio de Janeiro
Refuge, LGBTI , Arrival structuresAbstract
Based on the working experience at an NGO that supports LGBTI+ migrants, I propose the question: how do some LGBTI+ refugees or asylum seekers express their senses of belonging and ways of living in Rio de Janeiro, given the affective, material and institutional structures offered to them? I will articulate reflections through oral and visual narratives, incited from semi-structured interviews with three Venezuelan LGBTI+ people who have experienced the refugee process. Conceptually, I will discuss the affective and material spheres through a dialogue between the concepts of home/home-making (MEEUS; VAN HEUR; ARNAUT, 2019; STARING; VAN LIEMPT, 2020; KOX; VAN LIEMPT, 2022; BOCCAGNI, 2017) considering that LGBTI+ refugees embody political categories that lead to constant tension. It will be faced with the possibility of relaxing self-awareness of these social positions that I will explore, then, the everyday dimension as a basis for citizenship.
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