Amazonia and reissuing regional electricity integration: regional strategies of the capitals situated in South America




Regional infrastructure, Regional electrical integration. Large Investment Projects. Territorial specialization of the Amazon.


In this article we review the trajectory of infrastructure integration programs in the South American, identifying modulations in the cycles liberal-conservative and progressive governments. Despite the rhetorical accent on the slogan of "energy sovereignty", the pragmatism of the associations between foreign capitals has stood out in recent years, resulting in a frank multilateralization of the initially drawn regionalisms. The Amazon region was the first victim of such decomposition, becoming a range of exploitation systems installed and to be installed. Large companies located in the region grow as global suppliers of raw materials on a large scale because they have the increasing flexibility of regulatory frameworks in the energy, mining and infrastructure sectors. The huge capacity of the sectors that represent the interests of the commodity sectors contrasts with the capacity of local populations to influence the minimal claim to enforce elementary protection frameworks. The investigation of new regional strategies of capitals is what we study here in this retrospective-prospective essay, based on recent regional electricity integration discussions, specifically new projects of electricity generation and transmission, in the Amazon region.


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Author Biography

Luis Fernando Novoa Garzon, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

Luis Fernando Novoa Garzon
Doutor em Planejamento Urbano e Regional pelo IPPUR-UFRJ.
Professor do Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR).
Pesquisador do Laboratório ETTERN-IPPUR-UFRJ e líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Territorialidades e Imaginários na Amazônia


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How to Cite

Garzon, L. F. N. (2020). Amazonia and reissuing regional electricity integration: regional strategies of the capitals situated in South America. Monções: UFGD Journal of International Relations, 9(18), 281–309.



Artigos Dossiê - Amazônia, Palco de Lutas e Reflexões