


History of Education, Childhood, Border


The constitution of the history of education is linked to the social, cultural and political
transformations that take place in society. Consequently, the history of early childhood education
and the history of educational institutions that were organized to serve this specific group are also
related to the changes that have taken place in the environment that welcomes them. Thus, the objective
of this work was to know the history of childhood education on the border between Brazil and
Paraguay, reflecting on some particularities that constitute it and also make up the history of border
education. Through broader research, related to the development of the doctoral thesis “Trajectories
of Training of Childhood Teachers on the Border of Ponta Porã/BR and Pedro Juan Caballero/PY”
(SILVA, 2020) and the course conclusion work “Education for Childhood in the Border Context between
Ponta Porã (BR) and Pedro Juan Caballero (PY): Some Reflections” (RODRIGUES, 2021),
in addition to bibliographic research supported by magazines and digital books, scientific articles,
theses and dissertations that approached the thematic, we seek to understand how the countries
presented organized these educational spaces and how social and cultural relations influenced their
historical constitution. The results found showed few studies on the subject in this region, especially
with regard to research and publications focused on the border of Ponta Porã (BR) and Pedro Juan
Caballero (PY), thus evidencing the need to expand discussions on the subject. And expand the
range of investigations and learning on the subject.


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How to Cite

SILVA, L. C. da, SARAT, M., & RODRIGUES, N. A. (2002). EDUCATION FOR CHILDHOOD: : STORIES ON THE BRAZIL AND PARAGUAY BORDERS. Horizontes - Revista De Educação ISSN 2318-1540, 11(19), 19–42.

