Psychogenetic and sociogenetic cognitive proccesses about social order in a group of workers in Argentina: St. Cayetano’s devouts


  • Edna Analía Muleras [CONICET/UBA]


Psychogenesis, Sociogenesis, Cognitive processes, Working classes.


We present the most relevant results of an exploratory research focused on the interaction of psychogenetic and sociogenetic cognitive proccesses upon which power structures are reproduced. The article presents the evolution of cultural and epistemic conceptions of social order assumed by different groups of workers in Argentina - St. Cayetano’s devouts (St. Cayetano is the Sacred Patron of workers) - in the last decade of the twentieth century and on the beginning of the new century. Every August 7th – St. Cayetano’s Day – aproximately seven thousand people pilgrim to the Sanctuary in Liniers neighbourhood in Buenos Aires . We have analyzed the different ways they explain and conceive their life conditions, and the effects this conception produce on their political action. In a socioeconomic context characterized by an increasing poverty and unemployment, important groups of working classes face adversity with the weapons provided by a sacred conception of reality. Structured interviews were conducted in 1992, 1993, 1994, 2001, 2005 and 2010, in a non probabilistic sample of St. Cayetano´s devouts.


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How to Cite

MULERAS, Edna Analía. Psychogenetic and sociogenetic cognitive proccesses about social order in a group of workers in Argentina: St. Cayetano’s devouts. Educação e Fronteiras, Dourados, v. 1, n. 2, p. p.98–117, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


