Technical and economic viability of biostimulant applied in post-emergence of common bean




Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant regulator. Auxin. Cytokinin. Gibberellin.


The intensification of agricultural production increases the search for management that increases crop productivity, including the use of plant biostimulants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the technical and economic viability of Stimulate® biostimulant, applied at V4 or R5 stages of common bean culture. Two experiments were carried out at different seasons (rainy and dry season) in Londrina, PR, in the 2016/17 agricultural year. The treatments were organized in a factorial scheme (5x2) and consisted of doses of the Stimulate® biostimulant (0; 500; 1,000; 1,500 and 2,000 mL ha-¹) and phenological stages of the crop at the time of application (V4 and R5). The grain yield and yield components of the crop were evaluated, and an economic analysis was carried out. In the rainy season, the application of the biostimulant at the dose of 500 mL ha-1 provided the best results, resulting in productivity 226 kg ha-1 higher than the control, and increased profitability by 6.22%. In the dry season, the highest productivity was also achieved with the application of 500 mL ha-1, providing a grain yield 39.4% higher than the control, and an increase of 36.4% in the profit margin. No differences were observed between the application stages for the grain yield variable. However, for some productivity components, the application in R5 resulted in better results. The rainy season was more productive, with an average yield of 3,630 kg ha-1, while in the dry season the average was 1,360 kg ha-1. The use of biostimulant was technically and economically viable when applied at a dose of 500 mL ha-1 at both common bean stages (V4 or R5) and growing seasons (rainy or dry season).


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Author Biographies

Vinicius Cesar Sambatti, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

Departamento de Agronomia, área de fitotecnia

Hugo Leonardo Lima Gomes, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

Departamento de Agronomia, área de fitotecnia

Giliardi Dalazen, Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)

Departamento de Agronomia, área de fitotecnia


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How to Cite

Sambatti, V. C., Gomes, H. L. L., & Dalazen, G. (2020). Technical and economic viability of biostimulant applied in post-emergence of common bean. Agrarian Journal, 13(50), 536–547.



Article - Agribusiness