


insurgent identities, intersectionalities, social emancipation


In this text, through a work that crosses chronic illness and sexuality, they are aspirations
of social emancipation, thinking about insurgent identities, on the one hand, they contradict the
dominant narratives about the terms of their inferiorization and, on the other hand, they expose the
intertwining of oppressions and resistances. It is about confrontation as practices of separation that
often prevent us from understanding, whether the cumulative effect of pressures or the potential for
alliances between different identity agendas.


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How to Cite

Pieri, M., & Martins, B. S. (2002). BETWEEN WORLDS AND STRUGGLES: IDENTITIES, INTERSECTIONALITY AND EMBODIED RESISTANCE. Horizontes - Revista De Educação ISSN 2318-1540, 11(18), 63–79.

