Color (break through) the abyssal lines




Sociology of Image, abyssal lines, postcolonialism


This text seeks to present the experience of the extension project, entitled “Photographic
Exhibition Peles Presente”, carried out by the Afro-Brazilian Studies Center of the Federal University
of Grande Dourados/NEAB/UFGD in conjunction with the Psychology course and the Faculty of Literature
and Performing Arts from the same University. In a reading of the sociology of image, based
on the epistemological approach of the “South”, theorization of Boaventura de Sousa Santos, it is
discussed how such an imagery experience of black men and women who inhabit the academic universe,
corrupts the essentialized configurations that disincorporate memories, the historiographies,
the knowledge and the existence of blackness. And, as the photograph becomes insurgent silences,
they pronounce aesthetic-imagetic statements that corrupt the logic of the abyssal lines of society
and scientific knowledge.


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Author Biography

Luci Ana Lima Souza, UFGD Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados

Mestranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia/UFGD,
Técnica de Laboratório da Faculdade de Comunicação,
Artes e Letras da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados/FACALE/UFGD


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How to Cite

Ferreira Carvalho, C. C., & Souza, L. A. L. (2002). THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPERIENCE “SKINS PRESENT”: : Color (break through) the abyssal lines. Horizontes - Revista De Educação ISSN 2318-1540, 11(18), 7–25.

