Distance education and teacher training in geography: a look from the geography of education





Distance Education; Teacher Training; Geography of Education


In this article, we analyze microdata from the 2022 Higher Education Census, with the aim of identifying the total number of courses in teacher training in geography in the EAD modality in Brazil, their spatial distribution and the profile of entrants and enrollees, seeking to problematize what this set of data can indicate the future of teacher training in geography in the country. The data indicate a growing expansion of the offer of distance learning courses, with the predominance of the private sector in managing this offer. From a profile point of view, it is not possible to indicate that teacher training courses in geography in the distance learning modality reach more vulnerable students. On the contrary, preliminary data indicate that such students are in greater numbers in courses offered in person and publicly. Regarding the spatialization of teacher training courses in geography, we observed a pattern of spatial concentration in private courses, both in distance learning and in-person modes, indicating that the logic of spatial distribution of these courses is based on a commercial perspective. The greatest spatial equity was found in the distribution of public face-to-face courses, which can be understood as a result of the process of internalization of higher education in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Donizeti Girotto, Departamento de Geografia, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Possui Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Geografia (2005), Mestrado (2009) e Doutorado (2014) em Geografia Humana pela Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente é professor do Departamento de Geografia da Universidade de São Paulo, na área de Estágio Supervisionado e Ensino de Geografia. Coordena o Laboratório de Ensino e Material Didático (LEMADI, onde desenvolve pesquisas sobre Geografia da Educação. É coordenador do projeto Atlas da Rede Estadual de Educação de São Paulo e do Subprojeto Residência Pedagógica do Departamento de Geografia da USP. 


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How to Cite

Girotto, E. D. (2024). Distance education and teacher training in geography: a look from the geography of education. Revista Da ANPEGE, 20(41), 1–36. https://doi.org/10.5418/ra2024.v20i41.17861