Physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of Brunela lettuce




Consumer behavior. Lactuca sativa. Nutritional quality. Postharvest.


There is a growing demand market for new lettuce varieties in Brazil, such as Brunela lettuce that stands out for its crispness and adapted to the Brazilian growing conditions, representing a innovation for lettuce crop market. This study aimed to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics and sensory characteristics of Brunela lettuce and commercial crisp leaf cultivars Green Frisly and Vanda lettuce, , cultivated in a hydroponic system. Lettuces were analyzed for pH, total soluble solids content, ascorbic acid, instrumental color, chlorophyll, mass loss and turgor pressure, and sensory characteristics. The Brunela presented the highest ascorbic acid content and the lowest loss of mass and turgor pressure, resulting in a better post-harvest quality and consumer acceptance. A similar result was observed for Green Frisly, who also stood out for having dark coloration. Vanda presented higher values for soluble solids and its light color, resulting in a greater acceptance by consumers for both taste and overall impression. The results indicated that Brunela has favorable characteristics for both producers and consumers, who will have a competitive and high quality product.


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Author Biographies

Elizabete Aparecida Covre, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)

Master student in the postgraduate program in plant production and associated bioprocesses of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Caixa Postal 153, 13604-900, Araras, São Paulo, Brazil. Phone number: +5519982421020

Karla Rodrigues Borba, São Paulo State University (UNESP)

Ph.D. Student in Food Science
Department of Food and Nutrition
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, São Paulo State University-UNESP.

Marcos David Ferreira, Embrapa Instrumentation

Pos-Doc in Agrarian Sciences. Researcher at Embrapa Instrumentation, São Carlos, São Paulo in the area of post-harvest technology of vegetables and fruits.

Marta Helena Fillet Spoto, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture

Training in Doctor by the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA / USP) , Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil.  Acting in the field of Food Science and Technology, with emphasis on Food Irradiation, Fruit and vegetable Processing, Sensory Analysis of Food.

Fernando César Sala, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)

PhD in Phytotechnology. Professor and Researcher at the Federal University of São Carlos, at the Agricultural Sciences Center (CCA / Araras-SP). It works in the area of genetic improvement of vegetables for biotic and abiotic factors.

Marta Regina Verruma-Bernardi, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)

PhD in Food Technology from the State University of Campinas and postdoctoral degree from Pennsylvania State University. Full Professor at the Federal University of São Carlos (CCA / Araras-SP) working in the area of sensory food analysis.


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How to Cite

Covre, E. A., Borba, K. R., Ferreira, M. D., Spoto, M. H. F., Sala, F. C., & Verruma-Bernardi, M. R. (2020). Physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of Brunela lettuce. Agrarian Journal, 13(48), 265–272.



Article - Food Science and Technology