Teaching History and the project “Gender and Diversity at School”: posters as sources for subjectivities





Teaching History. Gender and Diversity. School. Posters. Escola de Educação Básica Coronel Antônio Lehmkuhl.


Due to the importance of discussing gender and diversity at school, this article evokes the general idea of the Project “Gender and Diversity at School”, carried out at the Escola de Educação Básica Antônio Lehmkuhl (Águas Mornas – Santa Catarina), starting from time frame from 2015 to 2016, and thinks of posters as sources for sujectivities, which will be listed as an object of research. People who pass through the school are made up of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and are desires, changing daily practices and the way they perceive themselves and how they see others. The school is still segregating and discriminating against bodies that violate society’s heteronormative standards. One group is more hegemonic than the other. Differences between men and women are taken for grated and defined by differences in biological bodies. The normalization of gender roles is perceptible and affects individual and choice freedoms. Given this situation, it is important to raise awareness, sensitize and inform students, teachers, employees, mothers and fathers about the urgent need to work with issues of gender and diversity at school, thus contributing to the integral human formation.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. G. da, & Fernandes, R. F. (2020). Teaching History and the project “Gender and Diversity at School”: posters as sources for subjectivities. Fronteiras, 22(39), 86–106. https://doi.org/10.30612/frh.v22i39.12571

