School as a space for mediating knowledge and humanization




Teaching methodologies. Teaching Diversity. School Culture and Social Culture. Diverse Humanism.


The proposed debate seeks to discuss the role and importance of the school as a space for mediation and cultural transmission, based on the synthesis of school scientific knowledge and social knowledge and experiences, or at least it should be so. School culture, the result of schooling processes and the social culture produced in practical life, must necessarily relate to each other by integrating fields, structures and ways of conceiving and understanding the world. Few social places have the diversity and representativeness of the school, this condition also presents itself as a possibility and a categorical imperative, in the construction of a more just, tolerant, equitable and democratic society. For this, our teachers need to learn better, how they can teach more efficiently and effectively and need continuous training, in the face of the challenges and dilemmas of education. Our students need to 'relearn' how to learn, valuing their social knowledge and life stories, as well as ways of knowing, guiding the needs in practical life. The school in its diversity and plurality has become a place where one can 'exist' and education is the content of this 'resistance' against abuse, prejudice, racism and all violence, the school has to be better, because our students need be better. The knowledge learned / constructed about life and diversity, creates a superior explanatory / comprehensive quality, transforming reality itself, or at least more coherent comprehensive parameters. As a result, we will build a society that will reflect the school and not the other way around.


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How to Cite

Crema, E. C. (2020). School as a space for mediating knowledge and humanization. Fronteiras, 22(39), 67–85.

