International migrations and public policies: the reception of venezuelans in the light of residency visa and humanitarian welcoming institutes
Migrations, Public policies. International cooperation. Human rights. Venezuelans.Abstract
The requests for residence of Venezuelans in Brazil are supported by the Interministerial Ordinance Nº 9 of March 14, 2018 (MJ/MRE/MT), which extends the residence permit to nationals of Mercosur Member States and associated countries (Promulgated by Decree 6.975/2009) to the immigrant who is in Brazil and is a national of a frontier country. This Ordinance was issued within the government's discretion spectrum, based on the interest of national migration policy. In this sense, it is a precarious norm, which can be revoked by simple subsequent ministerial decree and, in addition, considering the conjuncture of tension that was installed with the worsening of the crisis in Venezuela and the change of Brazilian government in January 2019, the possibility of its revocation is a fact that deserves to be considered, in order to think about legal possibilities so that the political clashes of the current governments do not deepen the crisis endured by these migrants. With this study, we aim to verify the possibility of defending, based on the Constitution, the international treaties and the laws in force, the humanitarian welcoming to Venezuelans as a duty of State and not as a mere liberality of the government linked to its migratory policy. Our hypothesis is that it is a duty and not an option. In this sense, not only should it be maintained independently of governmental changes, but it must be constituted, this humanitarian welcoming, not only by an entry permit, but also by public policies that make it effective as a way to promoting and guaranteeing rights.Downloads
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