International argumentative practice: a brief analysis of the implication of social validity in environmental matters
International Environmental Argumentation. Legal Field. Argumentative implications. Environmental Justice.Abstract
The article aims to delimit the argumentative field of international environmental law based on the field theory proposed by Bourdieu to then verify the implications of the argumentative practice proposed by Jean D’Aspremont, with an emphasis on the social validity of the argument. Such an analysis stems from the frequent clash between economic and socio-environmental interests in petitioning systems, which is why it is relevant to investigate how the argument's validity implicates according to social interest in the search for socio-environmental justice. Based on the bibliographic review and analysis of environmental cases of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, firstly, it is proposed to delimit the international legal-argumentative field in order to then highlight the implications that international argumentative practice may have in this field. From the highlighted implications, the analysis of the social validity implication of the international environmental argumentative practice is carried out, concluding that this implication can be shaped, with the primary objective of discursive reaffirmation of the element of validity in the argumentative arena.Downloads
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