Haitian Immigration Network for French Guiana: The Northern Brazilian Amazon on the Diaspora Route


  • Paulo Gustavo Pellegrino Correa Federal University of Amapá
  • Andrevil Isma Federal University of Amapá
  • Eliane Superti Federal University of Amapá
  • Ítalo Allan Maia Gouvêa Federal University of Amapá




Haitian immigration. Diaspora route. French Guiana. Amapá.


The intensity of the Haitian migratory flow to South America increased with the earthquake of 2010 and included Brazil not only as a destination country, but also as a route to French Guiana. The Franco-Amapaense border (Amapá/Brazil - French Guiana/France), previously not accessed by this flow in the northern Brazilian Amazon, became strategic. This paper presents the results of research conducted between 2015 and 2017 on the modus operandi of Haitian migration through this new route, its mechanisms and forms of action.  The approach of the phenomenon came from the perspective of migratory networks and the investigation was based on data collection and systematization, reports of network agents and bibliographic research. The results obtained allow us to affirm that the migratory network constituted an important part of its structure in the Brazilian frontier territory.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Gustavo Pellegrino Correa, Federal University of Amapá

PhD in Political Science and professor of the International Relations course at the Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP). Professor of International Relation. Effective professor of the Masters in Border Studies (PPGEF) at the Federal University of Amapá.

Andrevil Isma, Federal University of Amapá

Holds a master’s degree in Environmental Law and Public Policy at the Federal University of Amapá. Researcher of the Research Group on Social Rights, Culture and Citizenship.

Eliane Superti, Federal University of Amapá

PhD in Social Science and Professor of Political Science at the Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP). Researcher at the Observatory of Guyana Shield Borders (OBFRON).

Ítalo Allan Maia Gouvêa, Federal University of Amapá

Holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations at the Federal University of Amapa, is a Junior Researcher of the Research Group on Social Rights, Culture and Citizenship.


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How to Cite

Correa, P. G. P., Isma, A., Superti, E., & Gouvêa, Ítalo A. M. (2019). Haitian Immigration Network for French Guiana: The Northern Brazilian Amazon on the Diaspora Route. Revista Videre, 11(21), 38–53. https://doi.org/10.30612/videre.v11i21.9120



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