Nature in plurinational constitutions
Latin American constitutionalism, colonialism, nature, diversityAbstract
In the historical context faced by the countries of Latin America, the traditional idea of a nation-state proves to be a Eurocentric and out-of-place notion, unapplicable in the diverse contexts of these nations. This concept largely reflects a theoretical and social structure that originated at a specific time and environment in Europe. The recent constitutions of Latin American countries challenge state uniformity on a normative level, embracing cultural diversity, the sovereignty of peoples, and various interactions with the environment. This study examines how laws aimed at environmental protection are articulated in these modern constitutions. Through this analysis, a trend is observed in treating nature as an asset or resource. Nonetheless, in these legal documents, a significant progress is found in recognizing and valuing the multiplicity of identities, ways of existence, and the critical importance of reintegrating human beings into their natural context.
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