The Environmental Reserve Quote as a way to compensate the Legal Reserve: technology for the natural environment
Environmental reserve quota, Sustainable development, Georeferenced mapping, Legal reserve, TechnologyAbstract
This article deals with the use of the Environmental Reserve Quota for compensation in rural property in the event of not having Legal Reserve in the legally required percentages. The Federal Constitution determines that development occurs in a sustainable way and, to this end, legislation has defined specially protected territorial spaces, such as the legal reserve. If the legal reserve does not have an area extension determined by law, it must be regularized through recomposition, natural regeneration or compensation. The general objective is to demonstrate the Legal Reserve as a territorially protected space in rural properties intended to promote sustainable development, contributing to the implementation of SDG15. As a specific objective, it is intended to highlight the Environmental Reserve Quota as a form of compensation for the absent or insufficient Legal Reserve in rural properties, facilitating its regularization. The result is the demonstration of how technology can be used in favor of the environment. The legal reserve institute contributes to sustainability and the use of georeferenced mapping analysis enabled a more efficient analysis of compliance with the maintenance of the legal reserve in rural properties. Regarding the forms of regularization of environmental liabilities, the form of compensation for the use of the Environmental Reserve Quota and its form of transaction by digital platform stands out.
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