Innovations and social technologies: conceptual foundations and epistemological principles for sustainability and buen-vivir
Social Technologies, Social Innovations, Ecology of Knowledge, Critical Thinking of Science and TechnologyAbstract
This article aims to discuss the critical currents of science and technology, highlighting the importance of social innovations and technologies as tools for building more just, diverse, and sustainable societies. Initially, it examines the scientific currents that underpin the Critical Thinking of Science and Technology. In sequence, a conceptual approach is taken regarding "Responsible Innovation," "Social Innovation," and "Social Technology," identifying their differences and correlating their critical priorities with their contexts and places of origin. Finally, the article establishes the relevant connection between community-driven innovation processes in promoting buen-vivir in the Amazonian context, discussing how social technologies can be innovative processes capable of bringing about transformations at the local level that strengthen community projects focused on sustainability and buen-vivir.
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