Consumer society, environmental crisis and the consumer law challenges
Consumer society, Environmental crisis, Sustainable consumption, Planned obsolescence, NudgesAbstract
This article discusses the scenario of the environmental crisis resulting from the Consumer Society and the respective contributions of Consumer Law. Assuming that the Law must be rethought and reconstructed according to the social context in which it is inserted, the objective here is to analyze legal propositions that aim to stimulate the transformation of social practices toward a more sustainable society. The method adopted is the analytical-deductive one, based on the analysis of operational concepts treated in the literature like Consumer Society, ecological crisis, sustainable consumption, etc. As a result, we realized that Consumer Law could relate to legal models that promote conscious, sustainable, and collaborative consumption. This contribution can be made both in the political-legal sphere and in the fight against planned obsolescence, as well as in the induction of more sustainable behaviors through the regulation of nudges, as in the case of seals or certificates of ecological products.
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