From the slave morality to human rights: the criticism by Nietzsche and Foucault
Direitos humanos, Universalidade, Vontade de poder, Nietzsche, Foucault.Abstract
From using the hypothetical-deductive method, we identify the problem of exclusions of distinct subjectivities caused by the ideal of universality of human rights derived from previous moral valuations that reflect the Eurocentric model of subjectivity and, from this, we explore connections between the criticisms made by Nietzsche and Foucault to this historicalsocial context. Therefore, we begin our exposition from Nietzsche’s critique of priestly morality and his reflections on the will to power and genealogy. Afterwards, we explore the relations between Nietzsche and Foucault, since the French philosopher was a great reader of the German philosopher, to finally elaborate the criticisms of the universality of human rights from the post-Foucaultian structuralism, emphasizing at the end of the article the need for a permanent critical posture and mainly for a political practice of rupture and reversal of hegemonic ideals.
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