Male desire as a construction of feminine sexuality in the regulation of prostitution


  • Vanessa Pedroso Universidade Católica de Pernambuco


Women, politics, prostitution, regularization.


In current times, the central states have been dedicated to the debate of prostitution. However, this debate is based on international forums that have the concern of fi nding other solutions to the problem of public health or, also, international borders, that is, the subject of prostitution thus becomes a condition of secondary, already Which is the result of discourses concerning HIV control or traffi  cking in human beings for subsequent commercial sexual exploitation and / or illegal immigration. In this sense, central states have only been able to defi ne concepts about the exercise and exploitation of sexuality, as well as to establish theories of discipline and / or regularization and perhaps prohibition of prostitution. It nevertheless forgets that prostitution is the result of a choice based on elements prior to its practice, whether it is forced or free, and therefore such discourses set forth by the central States do nothing to ensure a diff erent future for These women who ‘freely’ have opted for prostitution, and do not discourage the practice of future sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, that is, the concern of States with regard to the phenomenon of prostitution is, in modern times, Which promotes a true condemnation and why not talk about the invisibility of the citizen in prostitution. There is a fallacy of the Democratic State of Law, since it, at least as far as prostitution is concerned, has been shown to be a sponsor of violence, since it does not insure and off end civil and political That all citizens are owners by right. The importance of this work lies in the fact of observing the discourse around the construction of female sexuality when regulating prostitution. Is this discourse based on the protection and recognition of the agents involved in the said practice or does it only maintain the macho dictates that underlie the social construction of patriarchy? Hence, it is possible to identify the real existence of the autonomy of these female prostitutes when they are elected to prostitution, since it is only then and thereaft er that States, whether central or peripheral, can establish policies and debates to prevent the exploitation of these women and the control of child prostitution in the diff erent States.


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Author Biography

Vanessa Pedroso, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

Doutora em Direito Penal pela Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España) onde investigou o crime de Tráfico de Seres Humanos e a interferência do marco do Código Penal Espanhol de 1995 para a prevenção de referido delito no âmbito da União Européia. A tese doutoral apresentou, ainda, especial atenção a exploração sexual comercial de mulheres terceiromundistas. Diplomada em Estudos Avançados (DEA) pela mesma Universidade e especialista em Relações Internacionais na era da Globalização pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (Brasil). Atualmente, é professora da Universidade Católica de Pernambuco e líder do grupo de pesquisa ?Direitos Fundamentais: Instrumentos de concretização? (Plataforma Lattes). Integra, em nível de pós doutoramento, programa de pesquisa em ciências sociais, crianças e adolescentes na América Latina da rede CLACSO (Centro Latino Americano de Ciências Sociais)/CINDE (Centro Internacional de Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano ? Centro cooperador da UNESCO). Tem experiência na área de Direito, com ênfase em Direito Público, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: movimento migratório - com atenção ao fenômeno da feminização da imigração, tráfico internacional de seres humanos e imigração ilegal, exploração sexual e prostituição - futuro do Direito Penal e Direito penal da globalização



How to Cite

Pedroso, V. (2017). Male desire as a construction of feminine sexuality in the regulation of prostitution. Revista Videre, 8(16), 115–127. Retrieved from



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