The banalization of the jusfundamental argument: insatiable rights and fundamental duties from the standpoint of critical hermeneutics
Fundamental rules. Banalization. Insatiable rights. Fundamental duties. Critical hermeneutics.Abstract
The present work aims to verify the phenomenon of banalization of the argument jusfundamental especially by unjustified and excessive reasons of constitutionalization of Brazilian constitution. From this, want to demonstrate the origim "insatiable rights" and, consequently, the unjustified solipism juridic, which ends up interfering in the effectiveness and the realization of fundamental rights. In this way, the text concluded that the law ativism, as it is practiced in the country, ends up being hypertrophied the fundamental rights, especially to consider an anti-democratic way that are applied by the judges. Thus, it was verified the importance of considering as fundamental obrigations notions, as a tool to avoid the misuse of arguments based on fundamental rights. The work was carried out through qualitative bibliographic research and, in writing, used or deductive procedure.
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