The judicialization of affirmative action as the arena of the ethnic-racial conflict
Judicialization. University. Affirmative action. Medicine.Abstract
The negative impacts resulting from disasters in cities have been one of the biggest issues faced by local managers Recently, the formation of the first class of black graduates of the medical course of the Federal University of Bahia’s Recôncavo was announced. Despite the fruit of this affirmative university action, behind the scenes of management, judicial decisions have been issued against quotas, threatening institutional autonomy and compromising that this first class becomes the last one resulting from the success of this policy in the Bahia’s Recôncavo, the predominant black region. lacking both medical professionals and representativeness in this segment. The present work, therefore, has as its object the study of the phenomenon of the judicialization of the ethno-racial affirmative politics applied in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of that university. The objective is to understand the impacts of this phenomenon for the continuity of the affirmative management project based on the university social function of racial justice. It is proposed to investigate from the methodological technique of content analysis of the arguments of the procedural pieces obtained from court proceedings in cases of contestation of the adoption of quotas. In the political context of crisis to the universities, hypotheses are outlined for the strengthening of the university defense in the maintenance of its policy against the institutional racism of a reverse judicial activism.
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