Environmental Education at the Neil Fioravante school (CAIC): students' knowledge about sustainability
Awareness , Students , School garden , Educational lecturesAbstract
A vegetable garden in the school environment can be a living laboratory for the development of a wide range of educational activities in environmental and food education, acting as a complement to the teaching-learning process and encouraging collective work among the social agents involved. The work aimed to improve students' knowledge about science, technologies used in agro-industrial services, regional and local biology, conventional and unconventional vegetable cultivation, and food health, favoring the improvement of education and a healthier life for students in the educational environment. The methodology was developed in two stages: the first was the application of questionnaires to students before and after the lectures (Environmental Education, Sustainability and Planning: building a vegetable garden) given by students from the Biological Sciences course at UFGD, participants in the PETBio group. The second stage was the construction and maintenance of the garden at the institution. The results demonstrated an improvement in scientific knowledge. It was found that, in this case, it is essential that practical activities are followed by theoretical foundations, due to the dependence and conceptual errors evidenced by the students.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Ana Isabel Sobreiro, Lucas Lopes da Silveira Peres, Rennan Garcia Leal da Costa, Valter Vieira Alves Junior, Zefa Valdivina Pereira
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