Once upon a time in the hospital





Children's Literature. Storytelling. Reading. Hospitalized children.


There has been a lot of talk about the therapeutic benefits provided by reading. It is not new that people find in books the key to understand their existential problems, to deal with the natural difficulties of everyday life, to evaluate and encourage themselves in the face of life's challenges, because the act of elaborating ideas from reading creates opportunities, brings people together, elevates the human being. Seeking to contribute to the fulfillment of IFPR's social role, the Extension Project - Era Uma Vez no Hospital - has as main objective to take children's literature through storytelling for children in hospitals and other institutions in Foz do Iguaçu. The visits are previously organized and planned in order to make them dynamic and optimized in order to avoid that these activities do not negatively interfere in the treatment process to which these children are submitted. We believe that the realization of this project is, without a doubt, very healthy for hospitalized children who need at the moment of their lives a little of the best we have, in order to achieve a better quality of life. But we believe, mainly, that the biggest beneficiaries with this project are the students of IFPR who have the opportunity to have the best of the public and more than that it will have the privilege of knowing the pleasure that is hidden in the magic of planting a smile in a child.


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How to Cite

Pessini, M. P. (2020). Once upon a time in the hospital. RealizAção, 7(14), 40–55. https://doi.org/10.30612/realizacao.v7i14.12613


