The deteriorating climatic conditions in Brazilian urban centers is a real concern for human security and urban livelihood sustainability. The city of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil, is highly vulnerable to climatic disasters. This paper analyzes the relation between land use changes and temperature in Campinas between 1989 and 2016. The 28-year period was chosen due to the variability of climatic data in three meteorological stations (University of Campinas, Agronomic Institute of Campinas and International Airport of Viracopos). Data from five sources were used for analysis of land use and land changes (LULC), and of land surface temperature (LST). The data sources were: i) Landsat 5 Thermometer Mapper (TM), ii) Landsat 5 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), iii) Thermal Infrared Sensor (ETM +) sensors from Landsat 5, iv) Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI), and v) Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS). The results indicate consistent relations between urbanized increase area and the elevation of air and surface temperature in Campinas. In the studied period, there was an increase of 23% in urbanized areas and around the meteorological stations. The Center for Meteorological and Climatic Research Applied to Agriculture at the University of Campinas (CEPAGRI/UNICAMP) presented the highest growth measure, about 22%, as well as the station with the highest air temperatureDescargas
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