Analysis of changes in industrial areas in the west area of Fortaleza using land surface temperature between 1985 and 2020
Land Surface Temperature, Land Use and Cover, Remote sensingAbstract
The cities’ development has been accelerating transformations from the natural to the urban environment, which brings various environmental and social impacts. Among the associated problems, it is possible to highlight the surface temperature increase of the city as a whole. Large impermeable areas, changes in land use and coverage, use of materials that absorb and retain more solar radiation, and the anthropogenic heat increase the land surface temperature (LST), influencing the air temperature and generating adversities for the population. Therefore, LST analysis can be a significant indicator for evaluating the effects of urban transformations within the city. The study's importance lies in its potential to support future urban planning decisions aimed at a better quality of life for the population. Thus, this research aims to analyze the relationship between surface temperature and land use changes between 1985 and 2020 through the development of LST maps, analysis of aerial images, and a literature search for changes that occurred in areas that were or still are industrial in the west region of Fortaleza. The results showed that although the space of some industries has been transformed, and there is exposed soil even in a free and permeable area, there was an increase in LST. Then, this demonstrates that these spaces require shading, preferably by vegetation, to attenuation LST.
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