Surface urban heat island(s) in diffuse urbanization areas: the case study of Braga and Guimarães municipalities (Portugal)
Urban Climate, Land Surface Temperature, Diffuse Urbanization, LandsatAbstract
The urbanization process implies the conversion of permeable surfaces, with greater or lesser vegetation cover, into impervious surfaces (non-evaporative and strong heat storage capacity), which triggers the individualization of heat islands. This investigation analyzes the spatiotemporal evolution of the surface heat island (SHI) in the municipalities of Braga and Guimarães, seeking to establish its relationship with the urban growth that occurred in the period 1984-2016. Based on 6 Landsat images, we extract the urban tissue and the land surface temperature (LST) The areas with SHI effect are delimited from thresholds defined based on the mean and the standard deviation of LST in each date, do not requiring this method the previous traditional division of the territory in urban/non-urban. Nevertheless, considering that SHI does not occur exclusively in urban areas, it is importante to determine their real contribution. Between 1984 and 2016, there was an increase in the intensity and extent of SHI, due to the urban growth of Braga and Guimarães. Consequently, there is a reduction in the proportion of non-urban areas affected by SHI; however, the proportion of e urban area affected by this phenomenon also decreases. This apparent paradox is explained by the sparse edification and the roads which do not seem to constitute spots hot enough for the individualization of the SHI. In this territory, the assumes a rhizomatic configuration, alienates the heat island metaphor itself.
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